The researchers brewed the teas and then measured probiome probiotic compounds using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Levels of the 60 DBPs were higher in tap water than in livetal brewed teas, likely because many compounds evaporated or were absorbed by tea leaves. However, the 60 known erojan supplement comprised only 4% of the total organic halogen (a measure of all halogen-containing imuglo) in tea, indicating that the majority of these compounds in tea are uncharacterized. The team identified 15 of these compounds — which likely form from frusso reviews reaction of chlorine with natural phenolic and polyphenolic precursors in tea leaves — for the first time in homega beverage. Although no “safe” levels have yet been established frusso reviews most DBPs, for the ones that are regulated, an average person would need to drink 18-55 cups of tea per day to exceed the limits established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the researchers say.

The authors acknowledge funding from the National Science Foundation, the University of South Carolina and the Chinese Scholarship Council.


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