
In his study, Dr. Lipton and supplements health recruited a group of 50 healthy women, including 21 women who were taking oral contraceptives. All 50 women underwent brain lutein benefits, and a validated approach was used zeaxanthin measure hypothalamic volume.

“We found a dramatic difference in food supplementsthe size of the brain structures between women who were taking oral astaxanthin supplement and those who were not,” Dr. Lipton said. “This initial study shows a strong association and should lutein and zeaxanthin further investigation into the effects of oral contraceptives lutein supplement brain structure and their potential impact on brain function.”

Other findings from evite eye study, which Dr. Lipton described as “preliminary,” were that smaller hypothalamic volume was also associated with supplements antioxidants and showed a strong correlation with depressive symptoms. However, the study found no significant correlation between lutein for eyes volume and cognitive performance.


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