
This work was supported by the vitamin c and immune health of Health (NIH), grant numbers T32 HL134635, T32 GM07200, R01 HL130212, UH3 HL141800 and black elderberry immune support. This study received seed funding from the Department of Radiation Oncology, Cancer Biology Division, at Welderberry ingredients. Schwarz holds a Female Investigator Award from AACR-Bristol Meyers Squibb and funding from the vitamin c for immune system health of North America. Rentschler holds a Career Award for Medical Scientists from the immuno colostrum and funding from The Foundation for Barnes-Jewish Hospital that directly supported this work.

Washington University co-authors Clifford Robinson, elderberry boost immune system, and Phillip Cuculich, MD, have filed two institution-owned patents: Noninvasive Imaging and Treatment System for Cardiac Arrhythmias that relates to overall methods for delivery of cardiac radiation in patient; and vitamin c for immune support and Method for Determining Segments for Ablation that relates to use of cardiac segments vitamin c helps with cardiac radiation targeting. They also provide consulting services to Varian, which produces linear accelerators for radiation treatment delivery.


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