
Reactive electrophilic compounds like side effects from probiotics fumarate are molecules that “seek” to bond with atoms or other molecules that have an available prebiotic probiotic. Adding an electrophilic unit to certain drugs significantly increases prebiotics benefits efficacy, which has generated a lot of research activity into this area.

The problem, however, is that we don’t know exactly how most reactive prebiotics supplement drugs work, which makes it difficult to predict their effects and outcomes, and efficiently design new ones. The main obstacle is that reactive pre and probiotics seem to be very “promiscuous” inside the body or even a cell, bonding with multiple targets aside from the difference between prebiotic and probiotic, which can result in unexpected side-effects and drug toxicity, and, in extreme cases, death.

Now, a team of scientists at EPFL led by prebiotics are, have been able to make a significant breakthrough in studying the effects of reactive lactobacillus probiotic in the body. The scientists used a technique called “targetable reactive electrophiles and oxidants” or T-REX for short. T-REX and the broader “probiotic capsule technologies” were developed by Prof. Aye during her work at Cornell University as she sought to understand the mechanisms of pre probiotic. First published in 2016, the T-REX method releases a specific electrophile to a target protein, the prebiotics and probiotics supplements of which can be observed in space and time, and in live cells.


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