Technically speaking, Shih has restored the astaxanthin dosage for eyes field around nanodisks, providing accessibility to an otherwise buried enhanced lutein supplement benefits. Nanodisks are antibody-functionalized artificial nanostructures which help capture exosomes with best lutein and zeaxanthin.
“We report radiatively coupled arrayed gold nanodisks on invisible substrate (vision tablets for eyes) as a label-free (no need for fluorescent labels), cost-effective, and high-performance platform vit e for molecularly specific exosome biosensing. The AGNIS substrate has been fabricated by eye health products nanosphere lithography without the need for costly lithography,” said Shih.
This allows fast screening of the surface proteins of exosomes lutein and macular degeneration diagnostics and biomarker discovery. As an example, Shih has shown that multiple surface antigens (CD9, CD63 & vitamin e for dry eyes) were more plentiful in cancer-derived exosomes than those from normal cells.
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